Love it! Glad you were able to use some of my audio in your new flash. Hopefully I can continue to help you out with future projects. I'm really enjoying working with you. :-)
Professional animator / animation director, occasional music-maker, sci-fi-enjoyer overtaken by cynicism.
Age 31, Male
Orange Androidimator
Inhuman Intellect
Killy Philly
Joined on 1/15/08
Love it! Glad you were able to use some of my audio in your new flash. Hopefully I can continue to help you out with future projects. I'm really enjoying working with you. :-)
Daily feature!!! Congrats bud!!! :-D
and the front page isn't bad either ;D
Who's coding your game?
Awesome episode, I can't wait for the next one! keep it going!
congrats for one of the best movies in NG so far, I loved every second of it
PS: I lol'd at your "favourite review"
I cant WAIT till your next EVolution- Abduction comes out! I bet it would be more awesomer than awesomeness and awesoming put together!! (Whatever those words means)
I left a review but I thought I would reitorate my main point here to make sure you see it.
I was gone a while but I've been finding out more about the roots of alot of really big internet things; Idiot box, RvB, etc... And I have to say, the reason I was a fan immeadiatley I saw your work (even egoraptor and krinkles had to reel me in with complete series) is that your stuff has that spark, the thing, vavavoom, herpys, whatever you want to call it... I wish I could help you somehow considering how epic this could become... I doubt you need a writer (thats all I've ever added to the internet) but... dont let this go, you could make a really amazing series...
Or it could get boring, anythings possible, even someone with vision losing heart... ;D
I usually like to remain a silent fan when it comes to popular flash movies on Newgrounds. But then I was browsing around your News Tab and found this comment you found and reposted:
liek wtf is this man lik seriusly?????1111 i can0t bel1eve suchk crap gotten onto nogrounds like omg this isnt even qality poduct cuz srsly u shudda workeded hardr on dis thin most scifi movies are lik 2 hours and 57 seconds long and this bullcrap is lik e 2 minutes and the gaphix are so not real i was excpting 1980p 3D hifi HDD deluxes liek mahd ads huose has cuz my parenteds got divorced sinc one of dem smoekd so much crack and dey were mad and stuff so ya man wut the hell. i like colors though... :3D should be the next dotdotdot. :D
Who was the shamelessly illiterate dolt who first wrote this? Thank you for finding this gem, I simply can't stop laughing!
PS. You're a wonderful screen writer and I most definitely am look forward to the next episode.
thank you!
well of course the guy's parents were on crack both during conception and pregnancy, and he has a debilitating case of not having a brain.
The episode was pretty good. The animation was better than in the prologue and the voices were pretty clear. I liked it.