I lend a deadbeat roommate $500.00 so he could get to work...
Then this happened: <a href="http://celx-requin.newgrounds.com/news/post/548405">http://celx-requin.newgrounds.com/new s/post/548405</a>
Professional animator / animation director, occasional music-maker, sci-fi-enjoyer overtaken by cynicism.
Age 31, Male
Orange Androidimator
Inhuman Intellect
Killy Philly
Joined on 1/15/08
I lend a deadbeat roommate $500.00 so he could get to work...
Then this happened: <a href="http://celx-requin.newgrounds.com/news/post/548405">http://celx-requin.newgrounds.com/new s/post/548405</a>
damn, dude. That really sucks.
Woah..what a couple of douchbags.
Surprising there in Art school though....a place where poets and ppl with gentle dreams live.
Lol he was nailing a chick while u were there!!! HAHAHA XD
Man...u shud like...stab them with a spoon!
i really did feel like doing just that.
Ha, that does sound sucky. Good story to tell though, and sometimes it's good to have those kinda experiences in the long run.
Oh, wow. Well mines not sooo bad but it was still anoying. My b/f & his friend were living together for a few months in a medium appartment. He decided that he wanted us to live together & his friend said it would be more then fine if i came & lived with them. Of corse i always did All the cleaning witch was anoying but i was only working part time on the weekends @ that time. They both worked evening shift exept his friend seemd to get off work earlier then he did. So him & i would be hanging out in the living room untill my b/f came home. Dont get me wrong this kid was an ok guy, just had problems. So weeks later i start to notice he is Always wanting to hang out with me, drink with me ect, when my b/f isnt arround. Didnt wanna tell my b/f cuz i Know he would of freaked out so i tried to keep it cool & friendly. Untill one day it got wierd, he acted like he had droped something behind my chair, when i knew he hadnt, next thing i knew cuz im not fucking stupid he was looking down my shirt (well tryin to @ least) From that day forward i stoped "hanging" out in the living room with him & stayed in mine & my b/f's. He would still come to my room & ask if i wanted to smoke or drink but i would say no. Not to mention He himself was bringing crack headed guys over @ all hours of the night playing video games) Then a month later his Crack Headed mom shows up. He says" Hey guys is it alright if my mom stays here a few days untill she gets on her feet" My b/f & i arnt assholes so we said alright "Only if its for a few days" Well, after a week i had to tell him "look i dont want your mother sleeping on My couch in the living room" He asked me why (fucking dumbass) & i just told him straight, Look when my b/f & i do you know what its akward having her here! A couple days later she Moved into his room & was sleeping right beside him on the floor. It was the fucking weirdest thing i had ever seen, i knew right then we were in for it. Sure enough a couple days later she tried to have "guys" over in his room! I told my b/f That was It & i was moving out if he wasnt, he finally agreed with me. But it pissed me off that I was the one who had to deal with it all, since my b/f doesnt like confrintation. Horrible horrible experience & i am glad that we now have our own trailer together now. :) Thanks for listening
damn that sucks. I dont think any of my roommates ever went so far as crack, and they certainly didnt hit on me. XD
My Roommates have been pretty great so far. I prefer last years over this years but it's nothing too annoying. I would have gotten the fuck out had I had those dipshits as my roommates.
and dipshits they are.
I've been a couple of people's roommate ... I'm sure they got stories.
i went to a college in wv for a while that wealthy japanese people sent their children to have an "american education experience". one of my roommates was a big guy, played on the rugby team among other sports and he could just not hold his liquor. on more than one occasion i woke up in the middle of the night to find him blitzed out of his skull, pissing in our shared closet. it was funny the first time, but he did it maybe 10 or so times in the span of a few months. at least no one pissed in your closet.
i don't use my closet, i just stuff my clothing into drawers. i wouldn't have cared. however, when you try to have sex at 2:30 in the morning while im trying to sleep across the room, (and then break the bed) that is suddenly my problem.
You should reply to one of my posts now, please & thank you :)
wow man, that blows - i'm suprised to see those kinda dudes in art school
i know, i wasn't expecting to meet these kind of people in art school either.