I like it a lot but also couldn't you have chivalrous knights and paladins for the religious faction and elementals for magical and cyborgs and/or genetically modified human soldiers.
Professional animator / animation director, occasional music-maker, sci-fi-enjoyer overtaken by cynicism.
Age 31, Male
Orange Androidimator
Inhuman Intellect
Killy Philly
Joined on 1/15/08
I like it a lot but also couldn't you have chivalrous knights and paladins for the religious faction and elementals for magical and cyborgs and/or genetically modified human soldiers.
i was just naming examples off the top of my head, me and my friends were just brainstorming. There will be many, many more units for each type.
Great concept, and it sounds intriguing. I'd like to help, but I'm not all that skilled; perhaps voice acting. Will think on that later.
Other ideas: You could add more stuff to the magical faction. I'm thinking elves, faeries, etc, for the high-level units.
what do you mean when you say that you need a "story teller" do you need writers? if so i could be interested in writing a story for this projecy, if this is the case can you respond to this comment?
That sounds pretty cool.
A problem I can easily imagine is... I dunno... these factions seem to be like the theme park version of these concepts. It's like, if you had a game where it's ninjas vs pirates vs zombies, yes, it's going to be an awesome game, but trying to play up the idea of or fluff surrounding the factions is going to end badly.
For example, a big problem I can see right away is how to make magic its own thing. Fantasy (with which magic is usually associated) primarily comes from mythology, which comes from religion. It doesn't seem that distinctive. Also, assuming magic is real in this setting, it's not unimaginable that it wouldn't be immune to the scientific method, so scientists would probably wind up using magitech or something. Oh, and alchemy is basically ye olde science, so that's another way that your three distinct groups are quickly becoming two.
I'm not saying it's a bad idea, it could be fun, it's just that... I dunno, it seems it needs to be reworked so as not to completely shatter my suspension of disbelief.
the trick here is that with either faction they would choose, they are completely restricted to the purest form of that practice. For example, trying to make a complex machine that runs on a magical crystal would not work, as that would cancel out the two ways. Also, magic and religion completely fall out of the scientific method, as there is no real rhyme or reason to either of those factions. As for the difference between magic and religion, I can see you have a point in that they are both rooted in fantasy, but the thing here is that religion is more 'angels/demons and end of days' centric, and that magic is more 'everything else about fantasy'.
Also I detect quite a bit of tvtropes talk. *brofist
Merry Christmas from your adoring fans. (I know my statement has nothing to do with what you were talking about, but look at the date I posted this)
merry christmas!
sounds like a fantastic idea, i say go ahead with it!
If i play like a Religious , can i be a pedophile ?
be my guest. :P