The first official episode of EVolution, a series based on my older video, Beauty is Humanity. This is the follow-up to the prologue.
Brian Albertson, an early 21st-century everyman, and Meredith the Beetcropper, a medieval peasant, are abducted by a strange little man from the future for no apparent reason at all other than the fact that he needs company.
WOW, so this was a hassle. the original draft was corrupted in a computer crash, resulting in this newer, more awesome version.
Also, progress is already being made on the next installment of EVolution, seen below.
Expect my EVolution game out soon, coded by Tanat0s, and with custom music by Gravey
my favorite review i got on EVolution-abduction:
datbadger 2-13-11 score:2
liek wtf is this man lik seriusly?????1111 i can0t bel1eve suchk crap gotten onto nogrounds like omg this isnt even qality poduct cuz srsly u shudda workeded hardr on dis thin most scifi movies are lik 2 hours and 57 seconds long and this bullcrap is lik e 2 minutes and the gaphix are so not real i was excpting 1980p 3D hifi HDD deluxes liek mahd ads huose has cuz my parenteds got divorced sinc one of dem smoekd so much crack and dey were mad and stuff so ya man wut the hell. i like colors though... :3D
should be the next dotdotdot. :D
The episode was pretty good. The animation was better than in the prologue and the voices were pretty clear. I liked it.