Just wanted you guys to know that I'm working on something both new and old, and that it's going to blow everyone away. It has a very positive transhumanist message.
Speaking of, what do you all think of transhumanism?
For those who haven't heard of it, it's basically the idea that we humans will direct our own evolution with technology and that it will be a major turning point in our history. Could even lead to transcendence of old human limitations, like death and being confined to one body, and it could happen in our lifetime! (You won't have to participate if you don't want to, more for the rest of us.)
ET Excursion plays with transhumanist themes a bit, but not as much as I like since the future continuity is overall pretty dark (cataclysm in the near future, humanity spends the next 1 million years trying to recover from it). It involves a slowed pace of technological advancement and arbitrary limitations place on how transhuman they're allowed be. I want to create an alternate continuity where none of this happens.
As for ETX, it's going through a bit of development hell right now but that's because the small Philadelphia studio I was working with couldn't really handle the pressure of developing an animated show and needed to focus on something that wouldn't bankrupt them before they finished. So, now the offer is being kicked around from studio to studio in LA. If another, better studio picks it up this might be a great thing, since it will be done faster and more efficiently. Fingers crossed!
I've also become much more active on Twitter as part of one of my New Year's resolutions to be more active on social media. FOLLOW ME, DO IT
Manipulation of the human race started, about the same time your female protagonist was around (and even before that, I'm sure) - women favoring taller fathers, resulting in taller kids. It's continuing today at an RNA/hormonal level... whether it's planned or accidental... ex: parents who smoke, have children less resilient to smoking's effects.
Very glad you're still continuing your epic, old man!
While that's true, I think we'll be seeing some incredibly radical and rapid changes to the human condition in the coming decades. Slowly evolving over generations is one thing, but evolving at the relatively blinding pace of technological advancement is another.
You know how making a learning AI smarter than any human would be a HUGE deal? Imagine if there was some kind of interface that could merge it with your brain so the two of you could think as one. There's also some crazy stuff going on in the radical life extension field... we could be the first generation that has the option to live forever, dude.
Crazy stuff.