This is just an idea right now, but I am considering making a RTS game...I have no idea what it will be called yet. It's still in the early conception phases, but I think it's a very interesting concept.
If I do decide to go through with this I want know, for programming, audio, storytelling, the whatnot. I would do the design and animation.
Anyway, the game is set in an alternate realm where science, religion, and magic are all tangible ways of practice, but are at constant odds. The three factions constantly duke it out for supremacy, and each would be balanced and have unique gameplay and strategies.
The Scientific Faction would be dedicated to technological advancement and research. Their units would be centered completely around vehicles, machines, firearms, chemicals, basically fighting the way we would in this situation. Aesthetic influences would be based on modern technology, minimalistic, functional, metal and plastic. I guess how the upgrade system would work, for example you upgrade a factory and said factory starts cranking out better units at a greater cost.
The Magical Faction would be dedicated to wizardry, hocus-pocus and alchemy. Their units would be centered around druids and wizards, crystals, enchantments and potions, and mythical creatures like centaurs and ogres. Aesthetic influences would be Celtic or Anglo-Saxxon designs, patterns, mostly stone, wood, and crystal. The upgrade system would work by unlocking greater potions or spells, then upgrading individual units at a greater cost.
The Religious Faction would be basically a bunch of zealous monks and warriors who put all their faith in their deities to battle for them while they pray. Only the deities are actually real and can be summoned into this realm from another. Their units would be centered around 'godly' abilities like smiting and cursing. Aesthetic influences would be Greek or Classical designs, marble structures, gold-clad warriors with halos. The upgrade system would work by unlocking greater prayers and blessing an area containing a number of units, and these would be the most powerful upgrades. The catch is that you can accidentally bless units from the other faction if they're in the area, and that is usually a very bad thing.
I'd like to know what you guys think, offer feedback/criticism.
If you'd like to participate in this project, PM me!
EDIT: oh yeah, and i forgot to mention the soundtrack, each faction would have at least 3 background songs in a loop, and they would be dominantly classical.
for Science i'm thinking something like this: Science soundtrack?
for Magic i'm thinking something like this: Magic soundtrack?
for Religion i'm thinking something like this: Religion soundtrack?